CUC107 Applying Cultural Capabilities Report

CUC107 Applying Cultural Capabilities Report

Task Overview

Introduction: It has been argued that cultural capabilities are fundamental to operating effectively in the workplace, community and the university. Cultural self-awareness, cultural intelligence and cultural capability are all required for creating safe work and social spaces. So, to complete this task you will be drawing together all of the learning from the unit to show understanding of strategies to create safe spaces.Task: Write a formal report to observe and analyse whether characters in a scenario are showing effective cultural capabilities and maintaining a culturally safe space. Also, recommend how effective cultural capabilities of the characters could be improved.

Task details

The report should:

  • Summarise and describe observations of the interactions related to aspects of cultural capabilities in the scenario.
  • Analyse (with formal references) the safe and unsafe aspects of the scenario, including the physical location and interactions between people.
  • Provide recommendations for creating or sustaining this scenario as a culturally safe space.
  • Be written in a formal tone – avoid personal language, contractions and slang.
    Steps for successfully completing Assessment 3
  1. Choose the scenario you will analyse. You can use a clip from the list below OR a scenario from your own experience. The examples below can give you some ideas about the kinds of scenarios you could choose.

As you think about which scenario to choose, observe the way that various social and cultural groups are represented in fictional scenes. When you are looking at your scenario, look for and try to comment on the hidden cultural communication styles also being shown.

Singer, B (Director). (2004, Nov 30). House MD, Season 2 Episode 18, Bilingual Backfire (Fox Studios).

Neptune, D. & Tanaka, K. (Directors). (2013). What Kind of Asian are you?

Riley, S. (Executive Producer). (2014, Nov 5). Black Comedy, Black White Woman. (Scarlet Pictures, disturbed by ABC).

Sharif, Z. (2016). An Indian in America: Unscripted Reactions

Cherones, T. (Director), Seinfeld, J. & David, L. (Creators). (1993, Dec 9). Seinfeld, The Cigar Store Indian Season 5 Episode 10. (NBC).

2. Format the Report

Prepare the layout before writing.Font size and type: Use font size 12. You may use font type calibri, arial or times new roman. Margins: Use Default margin, 2.54cm.

Line Spacing:  1.5 line spacing. You will need to include sections and subsections which should have numbered and titled headings. Word counts for each section below are only a guide but do indicate relative importance of the sections. This is reflected in the marking for each section.

(Please do not include the word count and the section instructions below in your report. This is only provided as information to help you in preparing the report.)

  • Title of Report: This should be on a separate page. Include the title, your name and student number, and the date. The title should include the name of the assignment and describe what the report will do. You can be creative to make an interesting title page.
  • Table of Contents: This should be on a separate page. A table of contents provides a list of the Sections and Sub-sections that you have used in your report, and the page on which they start. You can use the word function in ‘references’ tab to generate a table of contents from the levels of headings you can choose)

Now use this outline:

  1. Introduction (approx. 200 words): Briefly explain background, aim and scope of this report. Include the following sub-sections in the introduction.

1.1 Background An orientation to the topic of cultural capability and safe spaces.

1.2 Aim Tell the reader what the report aims to do – i.e. It will provide a summary, description and analysis of an example of a safe or unsafe space, and will recommend improvements to improve the safety of the space where appropriate.1.3 Scope Explain what the report will focus on, including what video, what particular scenes you will be discussing, and if the example depicts a safe or unsafe space.

  1. Summary and Observations (Approx. 350- 400 words): This section will include two sub-sections.

2.1 Summary of the scenario: needs to include:

  • a brief plot line of the events you are analysing
  • the setting (social, academic or workplace) with a general overview of the scene
  • any relevant background information to understand the scene
  • identification of the key characters ( you can use ‘persons A, B and C” ).

2.2 Observations: Identify the behaviours that are evidence of the cultural safety issues and cultural capability. These observations should confirm your statement in the introduction about whether the space is safe or unsafe.  Some of the things to look for and describe are: physical factors (size and layout of space, position of people in the space), communication factors (body language, voice, words), signs of inclusion or exclusion, and displays of or lack of cultural intelligence. It is a good idea to include a Table to set out your observations. Word count is included in the ‘summary and observations” quota, so don’t ‘spend’ all your words here.If you use a table, remember that it will need to be introduced, and a number and title provided, as per below. (Note replace highlighted instructions with your own words):

Table 1 Title of table here

Scene description event or sections of event Column heading eg Sign of empathy Column heading eg

Use of space

Column heading eg

communication styles

        Add more rows if needed
  1. Analysis: (700-800 words):

In this section you should demonstrate your understanding of the key concepts covered in the unit.  Using relevant literature, together with your observations in section 2 of elements within the scenario, analyse whether chosen scenes are a safe or an unsafe space and explain why. Support your claims about whether each scene is a safe or unsafe space with readings and definitions of the concepts that comprise cultural safety including cultural intelligence and cultural capabilities.

Hint: As noted earlier, to improve clarity, your analysis may include numbered sub-headings to highlight and structure key issues or reasons that you have identified in your scenario as important to whether the space represented there is safe or not safe (e.g. 3.1 Empathy, 3.2 Intercultural Communication, 3.3 Awareness of Body Language, 3.4 Culture Shock, Etc.).

  1. Recommendations (150 – 200 words): Based on your analysis section, make recommendations for how situations in the situation may be changed using cultural capabilities to make this a safer space. The recommendations that you make should tie in very closely to your discussion in the analysis section. If the scenario is already safe, identify what aspects of the scenario have been important in making it safe. References are needed here.
  2. Summary and Conclusion (approx. 100 words): Summarise the main ideas. What did your chosen situation show about safe spaces, and what actions needed to be taken to make it a safe space, if anything?  No new material or references should be included in the summary and conclusion.