Cross Cultural Consumer Behaviour

Cross Cultural Consumer Behaviour

Gather the following information in relation to the country you are studying and outline the impact on consumers in that country:

  • Urbanization:
  • Population density:
  • Education: 
  • Ethnicity:
  • Climate:


  1. Company/Brand name: COSRX
  2. Country: Korea
  3. Word count 400
  4. Reference style: APA 6 with atleast 3 peered review journal articles

5. Dating’ is a very curious concept for many people. In any case it cannot be fully translated into many languages and simply means ‘making an appointment’. Compare what dating means to Americans with what it means in other cultures, demonstrating how the complex process of finding a partner for life can be commercialized in different contexts.6. Compare a global film (e.g. Spiderman or Lord of the Rings or Titanic) and a local film on several aspects: story, characters, situations, atmosphere, key appeals for the viewer (action, love, violence, etc.), combination of music and sound, rhythm, type of ending, etc. Explain why local films most often not good candidates for are reaching a global audience.

7. Take mineral water as a product example and outline how ‘global’ mineral waters such as Perrier or Evian can coexist with quite local ones.