Create an Original Case Scenario

Create an Original Case Scenario

Apply a case-based approach and universal design principles in a more traditional setting focused on individual learners. For this assignment I would like you to create your own original case scenario for a lesson covering a topic of interest to you! Here are some links providing you with some great resources, strategies, and ideas for using case studies: The Center for Research on Learning and Teaching and Teaching with Case Studies (Stanford University, 1994).Step 1: Create an original Case Scenario (at least 450 words for Step 1)

Write a fictitious case scenario that describes a patient with multiple health-related issues!

Choose any patient type: geriatric, pediatric, special needs, adolescent. Create your “patient” to have complicated histories, medications, health conditions, and lifestyles.
Maybe your case is about a middle aged woman on multiple medications (list them), with uncontrolled hypertension, constant head-aches and blurred vision.
Maybe she has a family history of stroke, is recently single, and is the bread-winner with three teenagers. Do you “hear” the building blocks of a case here?

The more intricate you make your case, the more interesting and challenging it will be for your learners and the more your learners are pushed to manipulate facts and critically think the more likely they are to learn!
Use at least one image or visual related to the case such as photo’s, x-rays, charts, blood chemistries, slides, or any other visual materials and remember to cite the images (see the HSA Style Guide). You may also create the visuals first and build your case around them!Google Images is a very helpful resource for finding images; remember to cite the original source because Google Images is just a search engine to help find the images.
Step 2: Describe a Strategy(ies) – Once you have written the 450+ word scenario [with image(s)]:

Write at least one discussion question for the class that addresses the patient’s issues/needs (one sentence only).
Describe a strategy you could use to engage the patient in your case study to educate him/her on the health issue while accommodating for the patient’s diverse medical and psychosocial issues.
Describe why this strategy is better than another teaching strategy (list the strategy being compared).