Configuration Role Environment in Airworthiness

Configuration Role Environment in Airworthiness

Report Brief: There is a strong link between the Airworthiness of a particular aircraft operation and the original assumptions regarding Configuration, Role and operating Environment (CRE) that were made during the original type certification. Order from Course Researchers Configuration Role Environment in AirworthinessExplain this link and the risk to airworthiness that may occur if the intended CRE does not match the original CRE assumed for type certification.
You must illustrate your answer with at least one example taken from either civil or military aviation.
Introduction (worth 20 marks) 
Explain the purpose of the report by….. ? Introduce your report by explaining, defining and summarizing what is meant by Configuration, Role and operating Environment (CRE) in an airworthiness context.

Airworthiness in aircraft operations involves safety standards considered in the aircraft design. This takes different dimensions, including structural strength and integration of particular safeguards in case of crash landings (Megson, 2013). Proper aircraft’s design requirements supplement the implementation of these standards in accordance with Configuration, Role and operating environment (CRE) (Commonwealth of Australia, 2015). In the airworthiness context, Configuration, Role and Operating Environment aspects are fundamental in ensuring all designs used by military or civilian aircraft are assessed to meet the safety measures recommended by Airworthiness Authorities. Both civilian and military craft designs must be compatible, and any incompatibility should be resolved in line with Configuration, Role and operating environment (CRE). Each element of CRE defines different aspects of the aircraft designs, systems and requirements.

Configuration attribute specifies the system’s different aspects, including electronic interface requirements, power conditioning requirements, electromagnetic immunity requirements, strength requirements, mounting characteristics and box dimensions (Commonwealth of Australia, 2015). The purchasing agency should specify each of the attribute mentioned above to ensure the system’s compatibility with specific aircraft (CAAS, 2017).  The Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) demands that the operator must make sure the craft complies with the standards offered by the manufacturer and the Type of Certificate Authority.

The role concept aims at meeting various responsibilities. Its first goal is to offer a full description of the aircraft, including flight profiles, speed and altitude ranges, operating weights, potential cargo configurations, external store carriage and day or night operations. The role concept is highly considered when the new craft is being purchased. The role element is also applied in driving the craft’s configuration (FAA, 2009). For example, an aerial refuelling craft will require refuelling lights, additional fuel capacity, booms and drogues. The role attribute is again required for identifying the aircraft’s appropriate operating environment. For example, anti-submarine welfare crafts are supposed to fly at low altitude while operating at the high salt environment. Also, the day aircraft can only operate during the day.

The element of operating environment entails the designs of the aircraft to suit the physical environment on which the craft will operate. The environment could be the corrosive environment or electromagnetic environment. Both the airspaces and landing locations also determines the aircraft’s operating environment. For example, misty or foggy airspace will determine the designs required for a particular aircraft. The landing locations such as areas characterized by tie-down loads and landing loads also determine proper systems that should be fitted to the aircraft (Commonwealth of Australia, 2015). These are external features but have a great influence on the equipage and essential designs and systems of the aircraft.

Main Body (worth 50 marks) ? 
Explain the link between the airworthiness of a particular aircraft operation and the original assumptions regarding CRE that were made during the original type certification.

Main Body (worth 50 marks) 
Explain the link between the airworthiness of a particular aircraft operation and the original assumptions regarding CRE that were made during the original type certification.
Explain the risk to airworthiness that may occur if a change is made to any of the original configuration / role / operating environment. You are encouraged to refer to one or two examples to illustrate your answer.
Example:- The Vickers-Armstrong Valiant was a British four-jet high-altitude bomber during the Cold War, but its primary role (and hence operating environment) was altered in response to improvements in soviet air defensive capability. What effect did these changes have on the airworthiness of the aircraft Order from Course Researchers Configuration Role Environment in AirworthinessConclusions (worth 20 marks) 
Succinct, clear and how it relates to introduction and general issues raised in the paper
All issues discussed
Clearly linked to prior sections with no new materials included
Implications of the study drawn and clearly presented
References / Literature Review (worth 10 marks) 
Demonstrate wide research and critical analysis of the literature (Books, Journals and Industry Publications) and provide practical examples to support your response.
A minimum of 10 references is required, with no less than six (6) of them peer-reviewed journal articles.
All sources cited in text and reference list correspond.
Listed in alphabetical order, following Harvard Reference Style Manual requirements.
Sources used effectively in support of argument.