Computer Education in Elementary Education

Computer Education in Elementary Education

Human beings are increasingly becoming dependent on the use of computers in their daily operations. As thus, being devoid of computer skills in this era and age is very disadvantageous. Due to the importance of computer knowledge in a person’s life, programming and other computer skills should  high schools learners. On the contrary, computer education should become an integral part of the elementary school education system. The introduction of course on programming and understanding of computer skills in the elementary school education system has a number of advantages. THIS IS A SAMPLE ORDER YOUR PAPER NOW

First, it makes the children develop competence in programming and other computer-related skills from an early age. By the time such children join high schools, they are already computer gurus of some kind. The introduction of computer-related studies in high school may not be very helpful to the student as he or she may have developed some negative perceptions about the topic.

Secondly, the introduction of programming and other computer skills to the children in the elementary school makes learning to be fun and interesting (Crook 240). For instance, they can use the programming skills learned to develop games and other applications. The development of such applications can lead to such students attaining a form of self- fulfillment, and confidence. In addition, they can also start earning money from the sale of applications that they may develop from a young age. Moreover, the introduction of programming and computer knowledge in the elementary school education system helps in the building of a strong foundation to careers such as computer science (Kulik 65).

In a nutshell, time is ripe for the introduction of programming and computer skills to the children in the elementary school. Such a move will be instrumental in nurturing and honing the skills of the next generation of computer experts. THIS IS A SAMPLE ORDER YOUR PAPER NOW

Works Cited

Crook, Charles. “Children as computer users: the case of collaborative learning.” Computers & Education, vol. 30, no. 3-4, 2013, pp. 237-247.

Kulik, James A., et al. “Effectiveness of computer-based education in elementary schools.” Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 1, no. 1, 2015, pp. 59-74.