A Comparative Case Study of Swissair Flight 111 vs US Airways Flight 1549
To Violate or Not: in search of answers!
1. Purpose
The purpose of this essay is to develop your ability to rigorously analyse and synthesise information in a professional way. ORDER YOUR PAPER NOW
2. Objectives
The objectives of the essay are:
a. To provide you with the opportunity to consider theoretical concepts relating to safety, errors and human contributions to successful performance as well as accidents.
b. To develop skills for applying case studies to scientific discourses.
3. Questions of Interest
a. What factors (human or otherwise) contributed to the catastrophic crash of Swissair Flight 111 into the Atlantic off Nova Scotia?
b. What are the human contributions to the landing of US Airways Flight 1549 on the Hudson River?
c. Explain the roles of standard protocol, violations, unsafe acts, adaptations, in both cases.
d. To what extent is ‘human error’ applicable as a theory for explaining these two accident?
Human error is defined as unsafe acts executed by human operators in the frontlines.
This should not be confused with higher level decisions made by supervisors and senior management.
e. Where applicable, draw from other relevant theory of human performance, error or accident in your discussion of the events.
4. Process
1) Watch an online documentary relating to the two incidents (Swissair Flight 111 and US Airways Flight 1549), and note the critical events that led to the different outcomes in both incidents. Please use educational documentaries only. Documentaries like seconds to disaster or air crash investigations can be used given that they feature expert opinions and scientific experiments of what happened. Avoid using the ‘blockbuster movie’ as your case study.
2) Select and read relevant articles in the areas of safety, human error and accidents.
Minimum to pass is TWO papers that are reviewed satisfactorily. Take care to note the key features of each article including:
a) The concepts and theories of accidents, safety and error discussed by the articles
b) Their perspectives on safety, accidents and human error
c) Original contributions (e.g., synthesis of cited work or experimental findings) and conclusions made by the authors
3) Write an essay in which you address the case study questions by comparing and contrasting the recommended studies and their findings.
a) The essay should be around 1,500 – 2,000 or 3 – 5 pages including the references
(This requirement excludes the cover page (if applicable), which must only contain your personal details (no abstract needed).
b) You are required to use only peer-reviewed articles in the citations. The prescribed textbook may also be used in conjunction with the articles. You may choose to use subheadings or not, as long as you maintain a logical, easy-to-read structure.
c) Citations and references must comply with the APA or Harvard style. You will lose marks if you do not follow standard referencing guidelines. NB – You do not need to follow the APA or Harvard formatting structure, just focus on referencing and in text citation. Information regarding these styles is available on the library web page.
4) Upload a copy to Turnitin on Canvas in pdf format by 12.00noon Monday 03 June 2019. Late submission of the essay will attract 10% penalty per day from the due date of the electronic submission.
5) The essay contributes 10% to your overall assessment. The most important part of the essay is the use and interpretation of scientific literature. ORDER YOUR PAPER NOW
a) Do not rely on quotations. Instead, determine the essence of the author’s’ evidence and arguments, and assess its veracity.
b) Set the language in Microsoft Word (or alternative word processor) to Australian English, and check spelling and grammar.
c) Please take due regard of the Swinburne policy on plagiarism (http://www.swinburne.edu.au/ltas/plagiarism/). In particular, take note of comments regarding paraphrasing, referencing and citing other people’s work.