Commercial Enterprise Idea Report
Task Description
This is an individual assignment that requires you to write an essay of 1800 words +/- 10%.Learning Objective
This assessment item provides you the opportunity to learn how to identify and analyze an idea or opportunity for a social or commercial enterprise using your understanding of theoretical concepts covered in this Unit. The assessment aims to develop your critical thinking, research and written communication skills. You can choose to develop an idea or opportunity and feasibility analysis for a social enterprise or a commercial enterprise. Overall, the purpose of this assignment is to appreciate the importance of entrepreneurship and innovation within society.
Task details
This assignment requires you to identify a new social or commercial enterprise Idea that has potential to be launched as a successful social or commercial enterprise in-future. You are required to:
- Provide a brief description of your idea or opportunity
- Identify the process you followed to develop your idea or opportunity
- Discuss the skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur
- Evaluate the viability of your social or commercial enterprise idea through a feasibility study
- Explain the importance of your proposed social or commercial enterprise within society
- Provision of a description of the idea or opportunity (6 marks)
- Identification of the process followed to develop the idea or opportunity (6 marks)
- Discussion of the skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur (6 marks)
- Evaluation of the viability of the social or commercial enterprise idea through a feasibility study: Include a brief evaluation summary of the viability of the social or commercial enterprise using a feasibility study in the essay. Also, include a filled Feasibility Analysis template as an appendix. Refer page 140 and 141 of the textbook chapter 3. (10 marks)
- Explanation of the importance of the proposed social or commercial enterprise within society (6 marks)
- Demonstrated depth and quality of research by using a minimum of 12-15 academic sources (2 marks)
- Correct use of the APA referencing system in-text and in the reference list of the assignment (2 marks)
- Correct use of the essay structure and appropriate conventions of academic writing (2 marks)