Commerce and Contemporary Marketing Practice

Commerce and Contemporary Marketing Practice

BMP 6027 E Commerce and Contemporary Marketing Practice


Assessment Number 1
Assessment Type (and weighting) Written Piece (50%) – 2000 words
Assessment Name Review of a current marketing publication – technological impacts on marketing and users
Assessment Submission Date 15-04-2024

Learning Outcomes Assessed:

LO1: Critically review the marketing process and evaluate its role in current marketing practices

LO2:  Critically analyse the impact of digital marketing technologies

Assessment Brief

Assignment Task One (50%)

This assessment will require you to critically appraise a case study presented in a marketing trade journal. As part of the appraisal, you will evidence your knowledge of relevant digital and traditional models, concepts, and practices used within E Commerce. Select a marketing journal from University e-library and choose a case study and critically review marketing process and evaluate its role in contemporary marketing practice (CHOICE & CONTEMPORARY). Also, you will critically analyse using the selected case study on how the digital marketing technologies impact marketing and users [CHALLENGE].

It is however, important to incorporate references for the article as per minimum Secondary Research Source Requirements to for research and reading evidence.

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Assessment Number 2
Assessment Type (and weighting) Project Output – Coursework (50%)
Assessment Name Marketing Plan -2500

Words Report

Assessment Submission Date 25-04-2024

Learning Outcomes Assessed:

LO3:  Critically evaluate the nature and role of E-Commerce and interpreting data in current marketing planning processes

LO4:  Develop a creative integrated marketing plan, justifying your selected marketing mix and estimating the potential value generation

Assessment Brief

Assignment Two (50%)

Develop an integrated marketing plan for your chosen organisation. An appropriate marketing mix should be incorporated with the estimates for potential value generation. The integrated marketing plan should be communicated via report of 2500 words. The marketing plan needs to evaluate the core principles and issues presented within a given scenario. It needs to include the nature and role of Ecommerce and interpreting data in current marketing planning process.

Marketing plan should focus on the company, mission, vision, value chain, segmentation, targeting and positioning, product, price, promotion, place strategies, budget and justification with literature

It helps them to get an overall understanding of the topic and develop strategies in E business) [COHERENCE, CONSOLIDATION].

Indicative Reading

E-journal: European Journal of Marketing

E-journal: International Review of Management and Marketing

E-journal: Journal of International Consumer Marketing

E-journal: Journal of International Marketing

E-journal: Journal of Marketing issn=0309-0566

E-journal: Journal of Strategic Marketing

Kingsworth, S. (2022) The Digital Marketing Handbook: Deliver Powerful Digital Campaigns. London: Kogan Page

Lauden, K.C. (2016) E-commerce: business, technology, society. 12th Ed. Harlow: Pearson Education Ltd.

Rialp, A. and Rialp, J. eds. (2007) International Marketing Research: Opportunities and Challenges in the 21st Century (Advances in International Marketing). London: JAI

Ryan, D. (2017) Understanding Digital Marketing: Marketing Strategies for Engaging the Digital Generation. 4th Ed. London: Kogan Page

Usunier, J-C. and Lee, J. (2012) Marketing Across Cultures. 6th Edition, Harlow: Pearson Education Ltd.

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