College Foundation Scholarship Essay

College Foundation Scholarship Essay

The most successful people in the world including business people, politicians, athletes and footballers did not just find themselves at the peak of their profession or career. They had to work hard, and in their journey to success, they struggled through uncertain times before reaping the fruits of their diligent. I too believe in the success stories, and that is why I always focus on working hard to achieve my dream career goals of becoming a teacher despite the many obstacles I am facing at the moment. My desire for success is always inspired by the maxim that determination knows no barrier. In the pursuance of my career goals, I am often driven by the firmness of purpose, but sometimes life circumstances, family background, and financial challenges deter my ambitions.   In my immediate family, I am a 1st generation college student. Neither my parents nor my grandparents graduated from high school.  None of my family members has ever been to college, but my resoluteness never allows me to accept that my family background can be a barrier to my triumph. I am a working mom with two kids. My marriage did not work out, so we opted for separation. As a single mother who is catering for the needs of two kids, and working as a hairstylist, for nine years now, I do not have the financial power to pay for my education. I really desire to go to school, but economic challenges when coupled with my present life situation will barely let me quench my education thirsty. Currently, I am using government benefits to get me through school.
One of my kids is in elementary school, and it has always been a struggle rising them, working full time and going to school. Even if I decide to work part-time to create time to go to school, I will still be struggling. I have not been in school since 2007. As such I am a slow learner, and I prefer spending a lot of my time being tutored to working; this puts me into a crossroad: I have the family to feed, and I want to go school. Personally, I have had my problems. I was raised without a father’s figure, and this hurts me a lot. I have also had health-related complications including undergoing thyroid cancer surgery twice. Gladly, I am cancer free even though it affected my energy and voice.  I have not had many volunteer activities in my philanthropic list. I once volunteered at the Tarrant County Food Bank last spring, and I can attest it was amazing. I am a choir member in my church, and I also volunteer for children’s ministry every Sunday. Even though I have not had much of the charitable activities, I think I am using my singing talent to make others happy.
I conclude by noting that the journey of my life has not been a walk in the park. I have endured difficult times, but all in all, my willpower will not permit me to give in. I am ready to fight, and I firmly believe that education is the only effective tool I can use to achieve my dream goals. With grit, perseverance, and scholarship on my side, I see myself as a future teacher who runs her own daycare business for the children. I love kids, and I am always passionate about working close to them.