Clinical Field Experience C: Unit Plan Review

Clinical Field Experience C: Unit Plan Review

Clinical Field Experience C: Unit Plan Review
Differentiating materials for specific student needs is necessary for a successful lesson and helps all students engage in the learning.

Allocate at least 3 hours for this clinical field experience.
Review your unit plan with your mentor teacher. During your unit plan review focus on the following:
Appropriate implementation and engagement strategies
Accommodations, resources, and materials that will allow for differentiation
Assessment techniques that will be utilized during the unit
Following the unit plan review, work with your mentor teacher to select one lesson to implement with a small group of students identified by your mentor teacher. Inform your mentor teacher that this lesson plan implementation will be videotaped.

In 250-500 words, reflect on the unit plan review with your mentor teacher:
Strengths of the unit plan
Changes you will make to the lesson based on feedback from your mentor teacher in the following areas:
Implementation and engagement strategies
Accommodations, resources, and materials used for differentiation
Assessment techniques

Clinical Field Experience C: Unit Plan Review Example

The unit plan derives its strength from the selection of the subject that suits grade 1 level learners. The subject introduces young learners in understanding more about their environment.  For example, it allows students to learn about animal and plant lives as well as the differences between non-living and living things. The unit plan applied the state science standards that suit the subject. The standards help students to understand the subject, inquire about the subject, and participate in the subject through experiments.

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I will be prompted to change means of engagement to more differentiated ones. This means that science materials used should address the needs of various student groups, including English Language Learners (ELL), students with special needs, students with gifted abilities, and early finishers. To cater to the needs of all learners, I will use Multiple Means of Engagement (MME), including using demonstrations, models, videos, and PowerPoint presentations to communicate to ELL and students with special needs effectively. I will give students both group-based and individual-based assessments to capture the needs of those who prefer to study in groups as well those you prefer to work alone. I will also provide a skill test quiz at the end of the assessment so that I can keep the early finishers busy while other students complete their assignments. To engage gifted students, I will encourage them to help in developing life science models so that I can allow talented learners to practice their skills.

The implementation and engagement strategies were effective. Although the engagement approaches might not have covered the needs of all students, about 85 percent of them meet the requirements of Multiple Means of Engagement. All the implementation and engagement strategies do not align with the various steps of delivering a lesson. I will need to change the implementation and engagement strategies to introduce learners to subject through steps ranging from setting the learning environment to closure assessment. I will need to use more approaches to address all the learners’ needs.

The approaches used to deliver the subject are accommodative as they address the different needs of the learners. However, despite the learners’ diverse needs, I did not use the resources and materials that influence the application of different teaching techniques. I will need to amend the unit plan to enable the teacher to assess students through guided practice, independent practice, and closure homework. The guided practice will enable the teacher to offer feedback. The independent practice gives students a chance to learn on their own. The closure homework enables students to apply what they have learned.