
Cleaning Business Sole Trader Structure

Cleaning Business Sole Trader Structure

You need to think of a home-based cleaning business sole trader structure you wish to set up. This could be a new business you are interested in getting started, or an existing business that you may have.

In applying this business structure you wish to set up, answer the following questions, and present this in a Manual or Portfolio (something you can use in the future, and refer to down the track in your business). A word document with the appropriate headings and consistent fonts is appropriate. Use references where applicable. Section 1.4 Document how the enterprise will store and maintain legal documents and records including backup copies.

 Design a credit application form for your business.

 Document how the enterprise will protect its legal rights when it sells its services.

 Document how the enterprise will comply with general legal responsibilities.

Section 1.5

 Prepare a standard form Contract for the Sale of bookkeeping services, or other businesses to business services you wish to set up with another business. Make it as real as possible by customising the templates to suit your business. Section 1.6

 Document any lese contracts that might be needed for your business, either now or in the future.

 List internal and external risks to the enterprise, via risk matrix, that is specific to your businesses risks.

 List all the types of insurance required by any enterprise, and state what insurance applies for your enterprise.

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