Classroom Functional Parts Analysis

Classroom Functional Parts Analysis

Consider a classroom where you teach and:
a) Analyze the position of functional parts in the classroom which will enable effective earning to take place
The position of each functional part of the classroom is analyzed in detail showing how it is related to practice and why it is important

b) Examine the impact and usage of proxemics
Impact of proxemics on learning and its usage is clearly explained and supported with more than 4 examples

c) Describe actions you would take to create a learning environment and classroom layout that best supports the implementation of differentiated instruction
• Actions For An Effective Learning Environment
An extensive list of more than 5 actions needed to create an effective learning environment for differentiated instruction is produced, each action is described in detail
• Context Of Subject Discipline And Student Group
The description is in the context of the subject discipline and the student group
Share your thoughts with colleagues or your mentor as appropriate

a) Analyze the position of functional parts in the classroom which will enable effective learning to take place

Effective learning in a classroom is dependent on various functional parts which interact to yield the desired outcomes. These functional parts ought to be managed properly to ensure that they contribute optimally to the learning process. Any effective teacher must recognize that they have a role to play in harmonizing the functional parts to promote learning. The major functional parts include the classroom design, discipline, rules, communication and scheduling.

Class design is an often overlooked functional part of a classroom yet very implicative to learning. Intentional design of a classroom serves as a basis of establishing and maintaining classroom safety and an enabling learning environment (Djigic, Stojiljkovic, & Snezana, 2011). Appropriately designed classrooms boost the learning capacities of the learners. For instance, the proper arrangement of desks and chairs enables all learners to have a view of the board for enhanced understanding of the concepts being taught.

All effective classrooms must have clear rules to help foster similar values among all the students. Rules help in establishing the best classroom culture, which impacts the learning process. Classrooms which are guided by clear rules tend to be consistent, an aspect that boosts the learning (Rijal, 2015). Lack of rules in a classroom usually leads to student misconduct which hinders effective learning.

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Discipline is an essential component of each classroom whose enforcement has major learning implications. A teacher must always devise a means of addressing indiscipline, and if possible, it should be done as soon as the misbehaviour occurs. To ensure high levels of discipline, the teacher must link classroom rules with specific consequences and impose them equally among all the learners (Rijal, 2015). Disciplined students are more likely to achieve higher compared to indisciplined students. Proper discipline not only enhances classroom management but also helps in ensuring that the students coexist peacefully within the learning environment.

Having clear and consistent lines of communication between the teacher and the students is vital in effective learning. For the learning process to be meaningful to the learners, the teacher must communicate in a manner that they all understand. Communication is a tool that is used to gain the attention and the cooperation of learners. In the absence of good communication skills, there might be a breakdown in the communication process which affects learning adversely (Rijal, 2015). For instance, a teacher who is not an effective listener is less accommodative and discourages learners from asking questions or seeking clarification when necessary.

b) Examine the impact and usage of proxemics

Proxemics refers to a non-verbal concept of communication which deals with the study of space and its implications in human interaction (Bradbeer, 2016). In a classroom set-up, proxemics appllies both in the interactions among learners and between the learners and the teacher. Proxemics is usually used to explain the comfort or discomfort that occurs in relation to space between the teacher and the learners. In some occasions, the proximity of a teacher to the students causes discomfort. In other occasions, the proximity between the teacher and the students causes comfort and confidence. Therefore, proxemics impact learning, both positively and negatively.

Maintaining a small distance in the classroom set-up contributes positively to learning. For instance, in a classroom whereby the teacher stands near the students while teaching, they get the instructions quite clearly compared to a classroom if the teacher maintains greater distance (McArthur, 2015). Closeness to the students implies that the voice projected by the teacher will be heard by all the learners in the classroom. Normally, the learners who occupy the front rows are likely to grasp all the concepts taught in class.

Teacher proximity enhances discipline within the classroom, which maximizes learning and understanding. In a classroom set-up, teachers are always associated with authority. As a result, anytime a teacher is near the students, they feel coerced to behave well. For instance, the learners who seat closer to the teacher are less likely to make noise in class while the lesson is in progress. They maintain high levels of attentiveness which increases the possibility of learning being more effective (McArthur, 2015). The learners who are not very close to the teacher may think that the teacher is not able to see them during the lesson and engage in activities that are not allowed during the lesson such as reading other subjects. These activities inhibit the synthesis of the concepts being taught.

Teacher proximity in the classroom enhances the confidence of learners in their work. For example, to address the needs of all the students, the teacher may decide to walk around the classroom, checking the student’s work. While checking the books, the teacher may comment on their performance of given exercises. Positive comments create a positive feeling among the learners. In a Math lesson, for instance, a teacher may walk around the classroom checking and marking the solutions of learners for a given exercise. Students who get correct answers feel more confident and are encouraged to get all the other answers right. However, the proximity in this activity may also create fear and feelings of inadequacy (McArthur, 2015). Learners who get wrong answers may start fearing contact or any form of encounter with the teacher.

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c)Describe actions you would take to great a learning environment and classroom layout that best supports the implementation of differentiated instruction

i. Group formation: At the high school level, most learners can readily participate in group activities as they have attained some level of maturation (Ismajli & Imami-Morina, 2018). Group activities in Math boost learning by allowing the learners to practice more while taking corrections from their peers. For instance, use of groups would allow the learners to have adequate practice while teaching the topic on ratios. I would ask the learners to come up with as many ratios as possible in groups of three utilizing the materials and aspects in the classroom. This would include the ratio of boys to girls and the ratio of desks to chairs.

ii. Allow students to solve problems individually when they need to do so: Quite challenging Math problems require extensive analysis which might not be possible at the group level especially for learners who are not yet familiar with the concept. For the ration topic, I would ask the learners to individually come up with at least two examples of ratios.

iii. Create an environment that encourages questioning and expression of new ideas: I will ensure that all learners feel free to communicate within the classroom at any given time(Celik, 2019). For instance, in the topic of ratios, I would encourage learners to feel free to ask whether the ratios that they have written are accurate or not.

iv. Create a flexible class layout: A flexible class layout is essential in classrooms that involve group activities. Math, for instance, requires group activities, especially for the practical component. Having movable chairs and desks makes it possible to easily rearrange the classroom when required (Watts-Taffe, Laster, Broach, & Marinak, 2012). Effective teaching in high school requires this kind of flexibility to ensure that the needs of all the learners are met.

v. Reinforce all learners accordingly: Reinforcement is a critical aspect in boosting the students’ motivation and increasing the chances of them getting the correct solutions. In the topic of ratios, I would reinforce all the answers that have been given by the learners whether they are right or wrong accordingly.

vi. Enforce discipline: Healthy learning environments are characterized by attentiveness. Learners in such classrooms rarely engage in indiscipline activities. As a result, there will be limited problems associated with discipline, which may easily disrupt the mood in the classroom environment. Enforcing discipline is particularly very essential at the high school levels as adolescents tend to be deviant.


Bradbeer, C. (2016). Working Together in the Space-Between. In F. K. Cleveland B. (Ed.), Evaluating Learning Environments: Advances in Learning Environments Research (pp. 75-90). Rotterdam: SensePublishers.

Celik, S. (2019). Creating an Inclusive and Multicultural Classroom by Differentiated Instruction. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 9(6), 30-40.

Djigic, G., Stojiljkovic, & Snezana. (2011). Classroom management styles, classroom climate and school. International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology, 29, 819-828.

Ismajli, H., & Imami-Morina, I. (2018). Differentiated Instruction: Understanding and Applying Interactive. International Journal of Instruction, 11(13), 207-218.

McArthur, J. A. (2015). Matching Instructors and Spaces of Learning: The impact of space on behavioural, affective and cognitive learning. Journal of Learning Spaces, 4(1), 1-10.

Rijal, C. P. (2015). Classroom Management in Schools. Journal of NELTA Surkhet, 4, 48-56.

Watts-Taffe, S., Laster, B., Broach, L., & Marinak, B. (2012). Differentiated Instruction: Making Informed Teacher Decisions. The Reading Teacher, 66(4), 303-314.