Child Development Families and Communities
In this task you will need to analyse the demographic make-up of an identified kindergarten/childcare centre in order to identify its support/resource needs. You will create a folio of the available community resources to meet the identified needs and devise ways that additional needs could be met.
The folio will include the following: An account of the kindergarten/centre demography
A synthesis of its identified resource needs
A compilation of the community agencies, support groups, services, and other resources available for kindergarten/centre access
A justification of additional service/resources requirements
Opportunities for seeking additional centre funding (e.g. Gaming Fund)
Other pertinent information.
Criteria & Marking:
Ability to analyse the demographic composition of an identified kindergarten/childcare centre, using available data (including AEDC, ABS)
Knowledge of optimal conditions required to support children/parents/families, informed by relevant literature
Justification of the support/resources required considering sustainability
Appraisal of the kindergarten/centre and community resources available to support young children and their families Justification of the need for additional resources/services
Feasibility of plan to gain additional resources.
A clearly structured Report that is coherent and relevant; applies the conventions of academic writing and for APA6 referencing.
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