Chick-Fil A HR Alignment

Chick-Fil A HR Alignment

Explain the benefits of assessing how well the HR goals align with the organization’s strategy

An organization’s ability to achieve strategic objectives is affected by many variables, including HR goals. As such, companies like Chick-Fil-A need to assess how well their HR goals align with their business strategy. HR assessment metrics are essential in determining how human resource management contributes to the organization’s strategy (Bureau of National Affairs, 2010). According to Hewes & Patterson (2011), proper alignment of HR goals with organizational strategy acquaints the company with several benefits, including effective performance and profitability. The profitable performance of the organization depends on how the experiences, skills, and competencies of the people are aligned with the strategy (Hewes & Patterson, 2011). When the interdependence between HR goals and Chick-Fil’ s-A business strategy are aligned, the staff will adapt quickly and strategically change, leading to the creation of a high-performance organization. In assessing how HR goals have aligned with its business strategy, Chick-Fil-A will ensure that individual results are aligned with business goals, talent levels are matched with business objectives, and team and unit performance goals align with business objectives.Order Now from Course ResearchersDiscuss the role HR has as a partner and driver of change when meeting the organization’s strategy.

Human resource involves the management of people and is the people who undergo the process of change. Therefore, Chick-Fil-A’s HR stands out as the ideal partner to drive change to aid the company in achieving its strategy. As a partner and driver of change, the HR will ensure that its practices are aligned with business strategy, collaborate with other company departments and enhance relationship building skills as put forward by (Jansson & Rozenbachs, 2016).  Further, Lambert (2009) noted that as a strategic partner, HR plays crucial roles, including strategy’s decision-making, strategy execution, advising management teams through the provision of ideas, advising management on staff issues and challenges, and collaborating with other parts of the organization.

Discuss how using a systems view can better align HR goals with the organization’s strategy

Using a system view to match HR goals with the organization’s strategy has proved to be effective, as argued by (Handler & Jasinsk, 2010). For example, it facilitates the development of a strategy that aligns with target goals. It also eases the deployment of HR resources to the areas of greatest business need. Therefore, by employing a system view to align HR goals with its business strategy, Chick-Fil-A will ensure the HR resources are used efficiently, and the employees are equipped with the required skills and competencies to attain the strategic goals.


Bureau of National Affairs. (2010). Survey looks at reasons for using metrics, functions most measured. HRfocus, 87(7), S1–S4.

Handler, T., & Jasinsk, T. (2010). MetLife Learning and Development: Redesigning an Organization to Enable Business Performance. People and Strategy, 33(3), 47-50.

Hewes, R. P., & Patterson, A. M. (2011, July 11). Alignment Is Essential to Effective Performance, Profitability. Retrieved from SHRM:

Jansson, A., & Rozenbachs, A. (2016). HR as a Strategic Partner: How to make it happen. Uppsala University. Retrieved from

Lambert, A. (2009). The Effective HR Business Partner. London: Corporate Research Forum. Retrieved from