Censorship and Censoring by Allan

Censorship and Censoring by Allan

Allan, K. (2007) paper – ‘Censorship and censoring’

  1. What does Allan (2007) refer to when he writes “those who are dedicated to defying censorship will always find a means to do so?”.
  2. Provide an example and an explanation of ‘censoring’ and ‘censorship’ from Allan (2007)?
  3. Who does Allan (2007) identify as the ‘thought police’ and why?
  4. What is the name of the legislation that allows and encourages Americans to keep and bear arms and what are some  of the arguments for this continued legislation according to Allan (2007)?
  5. What does Allan (2007) identify as the alternative to censorship and explain why this may be an unrealistic option?
  6. In what ways did Robert Mapplethorpe become notorious according to Allan (2007)?
  7. The right “not to be offended” refers to what in Allan’s (2007) paper?

Henry, S. and Howard, M.L. (2019) paper – ‘What is deviance?’

  1. What does Henry and Howard (2019) consider “a social construction that is used to maintain social order” and what population is he referring to who set this social construction?
  2. Henry and Howard (2019) make references to social control and deviance being also the study of the politics of social life on the edge. What are they referring to with this statement?
  3. What is the absolutist-realist perspective on deviance according to Henry and Howard (2019) and how does this contrast to the sociological definition of deviance used in the article?
  4. The “bell curve” is referenced by Henry and Howard (2019) in the article, what does this measure and what do the two extreme of the bell curve measure?
  5. When Henry and Howard (2019) talk about behaviour being defined by others’ as “offensive, unwanted, and unacceptable”, to what are they referring to?
  6. According to Henry and Howard (2019) what are some of the ways that “deviance” can vary and who constructs the beliefs of deviance and for what purpose?
  7. In the study of social deviance, what are the 6 themes that Henry and Howard (2019) identify as needing to be explored in regard to why some people are more likely than others to “participate in deviance and the aspects of what defines an actor as deviant?”

Stephens (2013) paper – ‘Swearing – The language of life and death’

  1. What did the research undertaken by Stephens (2013) show in regard to the tolerance of pain by people?
  2. What behaviour does Stephens (2013) suggest as a means of obtaining short-term pain relief for anyone unable to access immediate medical care?

Pratt and Gau (2011) paper – Key idea: Hirschi’s social bond/social control theory – 2 marks (150 words)

  1. Briefly explain what the four bonds identified by Hirschi in his social bond/social control theory are (1969 in Pratt Gau, 2011) and how they act as being controls over “our behaviour when we are tempted to engage in criminal or deviant acts”?