Breast Implants Reflection Essay

Breast Implants Reflection Essay 

The assessment task: Assessment writing workshop Communication and Diversity, Assessment 1
Self-constructs (20 marks)
Choose a topic that conflicts your private (personal) and public values and beliefs

Write a paragraph introducing the topic including why you have chosen it.
Drawing upon the literature in the assessment 1 folder (and further literature from reputable sources
for higher marks) reflect on your beliefs about the topic you have chosen in relation to the Johari window and self-awareness.
Finish the paper by discussing the implications nurse’s values and beliefs can have on their nursing practice and the quality of care they provide for their patients and the value of continually interrogating own values and beliefs.

Breast Implants for Young Women in Australia  Self-Construct Analysis

Breast implant or augmentation is a common surgery among women in Australia, with 17,000 surgeries having been performed in 2016 (O’Keefe, Wilkinson, & Spuur, 2020). While some surgeries are done for reconstructive purposes after specific diseases such as cancer, others are done for cosmetic purposes (Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons, 2020). Although the reconstructive surgery is justifiable, I find the cosmetic procedure non-essential since they are not meant for correction of an ailment but beauty purposes. Besides, breast augmentation is associated with various health risks, such as affecting the woman’s breastfeeding ability, and the individual might need to undergo another surgery in the future to replace the implants (Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons, 2020). Coupled with these risks, I think breast implants for young women are unimportant, and especially when done for cosmetic reasons.

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My argument against breast implantation for young women is based on ethical considerations. It has been argued that most young women go for breast implants because of peer influences and the desire to meet the expectations of society. They do so without putting into consideration the long-term consequences associated with the procedure (Crerand & Magee, 2016). The ethical side does not rebuke breast implant but supports that it should only be considered if it is meant for reconstructive purpose but not for cosmetic reasons (Jordan & Corcoran, 2015). The ethical perspective notes that if a woman is concerned about their body shapes, they should consider other alternatives such as a balanced diet, exercise, seeking counselling or wearing padded bras (Healthdirect, 2019). Avoiding breast implant will save a lot of hospital resources that could be used to cater for the needy and deserving patients. Also, implantation is associated with health risks such haematoma, infections, breast swelling, injury to breast tissues, rupture, and blood clots that can cause serious illness.

My perception of the breast implants for young women leads to the development conflict that exists between nursing students’ individual beliefs and the professional nursing values as advanced by (Pickles, Lacey, & King, 2017). I view breast augmentation as unjustifiable in contrast to Australian legislation that permits all patients with the capacity to make the decision to have the right to arrive at informed decisions about treatment (Haysom, 2019). When women consent to have a breast implant, they are exercising their right to make an informed decision.

Based on my position on the breast implants for young women, I have learned that nurse’s values and beliefs can have implications on nursing practice, including the quality of care they advance to patients. The nurse might disregard the patient’s health needs because they consider them unimportant or unethical. It is essential to develop self-awareness to strengthen nurse-patient relations as advocated by (Rasheed, Younas, & Sundus, 2018). By doing so, the nurse will continue to interrogate their beliefs and values to avoid bias events that might lead to the delivery of low-quality care to the patients (Schwind et al., 2014). This promotes person-centered care, including increasing the quality of health care.


Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons. (2020, May 14). Breast Augmentation (Implants). Retrieved from

Crerand, C. E., & Magee, L. (2016). Cosmetic and Reconstructive Breast Surgery in Adolescents: Psychological, Ethical, and Legal Considerations. Seminars in Plastic Surgery, 27(1), 72-78. DOI:10.1055/s-0033-1343999

Haysom, G. (2019, August 14). Informed consent and communicating information. Retrieved from Avantmutual:

Healthdirect. (2019, September). Breast augmentation (breast implants). Retrieved from

Jordan, S. W., & Corcoran, J. (2015). Considerations in Breast Augmentation in the Adolescent Patient. Seminars in Plastic Surgery, 27(1), 67-71. DOI:10.1055/s-0033-1343998

O’Keefe, J. R., Wilkinson, J. M., & Spuur, K. M. (2020). Current practice in mammographic imaging of the augmented breast in Australia. Journal of Medical Radiation Sciences, 67(2020), 102-110. DOI:10.1002/jmrs.374

Pickles, D., Lacey, S., & King, L. (2017). Conflict between nursing student’s personal beliefs and professional nursing values. Nursing Ethics, XX(X), 1-14. DOI:10.1177/0969733017738132

Rasheed, S. P., Younas, A., & Sundus, A. (2018). Self-awareness in nursing: A scoping review. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 28, 762-774. DOI:10.1111/jocn.14708

Schwind, J. K., Lapum, J., Romaniuk, D., Fredericks, S., LeGrow, K., Edwards, S., . . . Crosby, J. (2014). Fostering Person-Centered Care Among Nursing Students: Creative Pedagogical Approaches to Developing Personal Knowing. Journal of Nursing Education, 53(6), 343-347. DOI:10.3928/01484834-20140520-01