BMAF00320 Foundation Project Research Plan
Learning outcome assessed:LO1: Research planning proficiency in formulating a focussed, contemporary, original, appropriately-sized and ethical research project
LO3: Effective, professional written communication of their research findings.
Read the scenario below before undertaking the tasks which follow:
Write a Research Plan which focuses on a Research Title (LO1) selected from the list provided. You will need to identify and describe core scholarly literature which contribute knowledge and understanding to your selected research title. Finally, you will need to examine how to collect primary data and examine the ethical approaches of your research.
• Introduction (250 words) (LO1)
A brief introduction to your work which must include an explanation to why you have chosen it the Research Title, your Research Aim, Research Objectives and Research Questions.
• Literature Synopsis (1,500 words) (LO1, LO3)
Examine and describe at least three pieces of scholarly literature with relevance to your selected Research Title (500 words for each piece). This could include relevant: Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, Text Books, Reports, Research Papers, and Empirical Studies, amongst others. You must select your scholarly literature from the ULearn Library or if appropriate the official organisations documentation only. The scholarly literature should be dated to within the last 10 years. You must provide evidence of this in your Harvard Referencing.
• Research Method (500 words) (LO1, LO3)
Examine data collection techniques, you will need to select one of the following techniques to conduct your research: interviewing, questionnaires or observations. Provide a summary of which primary data technique is appropriate to answer your Research Title.
• Ethical Considerations (250 words) (LO1, LO3)
Provide a brief summary discussing the ethical considerations of your research and It is mandatory for you to complete the Ethical Research Approval Form. This must be submitted as part of your assessment.
Word Count: (2,500 words, including in-text references and excluding graphs, tables, appendices and references).