Biomedical advances in the Last Twenty Years

Biomedical advances in the Last Twenty Years

In the last 20 years, there have been notable advancements in the healthcare science. The healthcare improvements concerns have not only focused on have-nots and haves but also on individuals who are seeking more advanced life-saving ways. For example, over the last two decades, health care professions have managed to come with solutions to some of the malignant diseases such as cancer, organ transplant, heart treatment among many others. This paper aims to explore the three important healthcare science advances that have been achieved in the last two decades as well as predictable healthcare science advancements in the next ten years. THIS IS A SAMPLE ORDER YOUR PAPER NOW

Healthcare Science advances in the Last 20 years and the Next Decade

Part 1: Healthcare Sciences Advancements in the Last 20 Years

Gene Therapy

As noted above cancer-related diseases such as blood cancer have been a nightmare for many players in the healthcare sector for quite a while. However, in the last two decades, the adoption of gene therapy to treat blood cancer-related ailments such as leukemia has helped to solve the puzzle that had challenged healthcare professionals for long.Ā  Besides, experiments have shown that gene therapy can be used to reverse other cancerous diseases, for example, breast cancer and prostate cancer (Patil et al., 2012, p. 77). Additionally, there are hopes that gene therapy could be used to help in the eradication of some of the common treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. Alternatively, it has been proved that there is a likelihood for the gene therapy to be used in the treatment of genetic diseases. For example, early in 2017, gene therapy was successfully used to treat a teenage boy suffering from sickle cell disease. According to Patil et al., (2012, p. 75) experiments indicate that gene therapy could be used to get rid of the aging symptoms. Patil et al., argue that the success of gene therapy to stem cell and muscle mass depletion will be the critical improvement of slowing down the human aging process.

Synthetic Cells

Healthcare science advancements in the last two decades have also been marked by the creation of synthetic cells in 2010. This innovation has been labeled as the one behind human genomeā€™s first sequence. Chideya (2012) noted that the introduction of synthetic cells in the health care system would open the way for the synthetic biology new treatments. In support, May (2015) attested that the existence of synthetic biology has improved medical treatment and there is a probability of curing a variety of health problems. May (2015) goes further to identify that synthetic biology has provided scientists with a platform of new tools where they can efficiently and accurately modify cellsā€™ molecular workings to improve medical care.Ā  In the last two years, synthetic biology has been successfully used for the clinical purposes such as treatments and diagnostics. The innovators in the healthcare sector maintain that the synthetic biology clinical applications are anticipated to increase in the coming years.

The impact of synthetic biology in the healthcare can be identified in its role in the clinical applications. For example, through the synthetic biology scientists have been able to create a paper-based modified genetic machinery.Ā  The machine has been very crucial in detecting pathogens in blood and saliva. It has been observed that the paper-based diagnostic works just like living cells. Scientistsā€™ experiments confirm that there is a possibility to engineer paper-based diagnostic to detect viral infections and antibiotic-resistant diseases to help in addressing public health issues. Artificial cells have marked the last decade as the health care advancement that has greatly influenced the discovery of new ways of treatments and diagnosticsĀ (Xu et al., 2016, p. 518).

Heart Treatment Hormones

In the 20th century, the healthcare sector was faced with challenges of finding a solution to heart disease. As a result, the scientist engaged in looking for the more appropriate approaches to help in remedying the situation. Introduction of heart treatment hormones marked the beginning of getting rid of heart failure problems. For example, serelaxin has shown a great impact on improving heart patientsā€™ survival rates. According to Teichman, et al., (2010, p. 80) through the use of serelaxin it has been confirmed that there is a probability of having 37 percent successful treatment among the heart patients. Serelaxin helps in reducing the anti-inflammatory impact as well as opening up blood system.

The physiologic effects of relaxin have contributed to its consideration as pharmacological means of treating patients suffering from acute health problems. Additionally, relaxin has been found to effect anti-ischemic, angiogenic and remodeling extracellular. The clinical experiments on relaxin have proved an impactful role in treating heart failureĀ (Teichman et al., 2010, p. 78). The scientists have argued finding another alternative use of relaxin apart from reproduction in women have helped to treat health conditions of other body systems.Ā  For example, scientific studies attest that it reduces tissues fibroids in liver, lungs, heart and kidney and therefore, promoting the healing of the special body organs.

The impact of relaxin on the special body systems and organs can be linked to its anti-inflammatory effect. Ideally, inflammation results in the formation of tissue fibrosis which if not addressed can contribute to either scarring or loss of the organ functionĀ (Teerlink et al., 2017).Ā  However, with the innovation of relaxin hormone, scientists have proved that it has been impactful in helping the healing of heart after the heart failure. The key biological properties of relaxin hormone that comprises of anti-inflammatory effect, influencing new blood cells growth and relaxation of blood cells have marked the major impact on the healthcare science at the beginning of the 21st century. All the relaxin properties have made it possible to address heart failure problems that had stressed patients for long.

Part 2: Healthcare Science Advancements in the Next Decade

With the emergence of new ailments and complicated healthcare provision problems facing the public today, scientists are left with a lot of questions what might some of the most significant healthcare science improvements in the next ten years. This paper identifies and analyzes some of the crucial advancements that are likely to happen in the healthcare science in the coming ten years. THIS IS A SAMPLE ORDER YOUR PAPER NOW

Gene Therapy Stem Cells

Based on current gene therapy trends in the healthcare science, it is predictable that in future there is a possibility of using stem cells to develop gene therapy. Scientifically, gene therapy entails replacing unhealthy human body cells with the healthy ones (Cleverism, 2017). Irrespective of the challenges surrounding this treatment method, the scientists are hopeful that in future it will provide an alternative for curing the current incurable diseases. The scientist goal is aimed at using stem cells in gene therapy to remedy denatured organs and help in reducing the increasing number of patients seeking organ transplant medication. Besides, this improvement in the healthcare science discipline can be used in repairing burns. Lastly, the innovation can be relied upon when testing pharmaceutical drugs to determine their impact on the human body.

Synthetic Cells in Treatment and Diagnosis

On part one of the discussion in this paper, it appeared that synthetic cells have been very impactful in treatment and diagnostics in the last two decades. Scientists maintain that was the beginning of the synthetic cells huge impacts that are expected to play critical roles in the healthcare science in the near future. According to Thimbleby (2014, p. 32), the concept of the synthetic cells can be used to accelerate production of flu vaccine. Researchers hold that positive effects of synthetic cells are endless. The scientistsā€™ assurance gives public hope that some of the most incurable diseases could be no longer a headache in the next ten years.

HIV/AIDS Medical Solution

HIV/AIDS has been confirmed among the most death causing diseases in the world. For example, research attests that HIV/AIDS claims the lives of over 2 million people every year. To curb this healthcare science menace, scientist have been trying tirelessly to find a solution to this healthcare concern.Ā  Scientists have had a milestone in addressing the curing of HIV/AIDS through the removal of cholesterol from the HIV cellular wall. The researchers in the health care discipline argued that removal of the cholesterol from the cellular wall was a huge advancement in seeking HIV/AIDS cure. Additionally, scientists opine that although it will take time before realizing the cure of HIV, there is the possibility of other scientific innovations that will assist in combating the impact of the diseases in the next decade. According to the scientists, this will create an insight of fighting similar sophisticated diseases in the next decades.

Medical Biotechnology

The utilization of biotechnology to manipulate human body living tissues has gained a lot interests among the scientist and researchers. Notably, biotechnology was widely applied in animal cross-breeding and agriculture. However, recently, scientist have shown a major concern on the potentiality of biotechnology for treatment of diseases. Currently, medical biotechnology is used for DNA profiling, innovation of new antibiotics, genomic analysis and cloning. The utilization and the reliance on medical biotechnology by the scientists it is expected to have a lot of medical advantages in futureĀ (Rucker, 2015). For example, scientific researchers hold that medical biotechnology is expected to be useful in fighting the decaying microbes, carrying spits tests for the patients diagnosed with cancer, introducing Asthma warning sensors and assisting in nerve regenerators.


The discussion in this paper elaborates the recent and the future advancements in the healthcare science. In the analysis, it has been pointed that there are several health care improvements that helped in treatment and curing of diseases that had disturbed human race for long. Gene therapy adoption has assisted in the treatment of cancerous diseases. Secondly, the introduction synthetic cells in the healthcare science have been very crucial in treating some of the incurable diseases. Thirdly, heart treatment hormones have greatly reduced heart failures by 37 percent. Despite these two decades achievements, there are also possibilities of having more health care science advancements in future. THIS IS A SAMPLE ORDER YOUR PAPER NOW


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