Adult Health Practice Assessment

Adult Health Practice Assessment

Interview questionsThese questions will be structured into 4 key areas:

  • Experiences with chronic illness and the health care system (e.g. Access, provision and quality of services).
  • Experiences of interpersonal encounters with health care staff, and nursing staff.
  • Experiences of family involvement in the health care experience.
  • Recommendations for nursing care of older adults.

Focussed questions

Experiences with the health care system (e.g.  Access, provision and quality of services).  

  • How would you describe your health now? Can you describe any health conditions or complications you have experienced over your life and how they were managed?
  • Could you tell me about your most recent experience of visiting the GP, health centre or community nurse?
  • How easy was it to firstly make the appointment and secondly to get to the appointment?
  • Were you happy with the overall service?
  • Can you tell me about any experiences you have had in hospital?
  • How did you find the overall experience?
  • How would you describe the quality of the services you have experienced?
  • Prompt -By this we mean the actual services such as cleanliness, food etc.
  • How would you describe the quality of the care you received?
  • Prompt – By this we mean the actual “hands on medical and nursing care”

Experiences of interpersonal encounters with health care staff, and nursing staff.

  • How would you describe your most recent interaction with the medical staff such as doctors and nurses?
  • Did you feel that all the people involved in your health care, were communicating with each other and working together?
  • Did you understand what was happening to you?
  • Did you feel you had enough information to make decisions about your treatment and care?
  • Do you think that the nurses who were looking after you explained everything they were doing clearly?
  • Do you think the nurses who looked after you listened to your concerns?
  • Is there anything that was done well or anything that could have been done better?

Experiences of family involvement in the health care experience.

  • Have you had a family member or support person with you when you have attended appointments?
  • Is this important to you?
  • Was your family member or support person involved in the decision making regarding your treatment/ care?
  • Were they encouraged to be involved in your care?
  • Do you feel the medical and nursing staff interacted in a positive way with your family member/support person?

Recommendations for nursing care of older adults.

  • If a student nurse was starting in a hospital or health services, what do you think they need to know and is important in caring for older adults?