Acquiring Driving License: Argumentative Essay

Acquiring Driving License: Argumentative Essay

Over the past few decades, there has been a heated debate on the right age that a person should possess a driving license. These debates are response to the increased road crashes. Various states have resolved to the legislation requiring one to complete their high school education before the issuing of a license.  However, certain states are still unsettled about the matter as they view it as an injustice, especially to the individuals who may have reached at the driving age while still at high school. I am for the opinion that people should finish their high school before they get their driving licenses. There is much value attached to the implementation of this bill. The people who start driving at a younger age contribute a higher percentage to the overall road accidents (Mayhew and Simpson 23). Similarly, high school dropouts cause more accidents than their more educated counterparts. The best way to address this problem would be by emphasizing the role of formal education (Crotty). Issuing driving licenses to high school dropouts could be blamed for the excessive truancy and dropouts in the modern learning institutions.

Ideally, some kids are still too young to be behind the wheel at the high school age. As much as people argue that maturity does not come with age, it is necessary to consider the fact that a high school kid is still too young to be in the road. Many adults using the public means of transport tend to be very selective on who should drive them (Wu, Garza and Guzman 3). At times, they openly confess that they cannot be a passenger in a specific car simply because it is driven by a kid.  They can hardly trust he drivers with their lives. Some may argue that there might be no great change effected by this change but it is an option of saving more lives after all many accidents involve young drivers.

Maturity ought not to be the only qualification for passing driving tests. Driving licenses should be given based on tangible and measurable abilities such as skills and knowledge. At the completion of their high school education, people are more likely to have developed the necessary life skills and logic (Wu, Garza and Guzman 4). These basic skill are very core in making decisions in all walks of life. It is indisputable that people who pursue education to higher levels make reasonable decisions as opposed to the school dropouts.

The principal goal in driver education is to yield safer drivers (Mayhew and Simpson 26). Safety in this case is determined by the ability by the drivers to maintain zero accident records.  Dwelling on the skills required for one to pass a road test is therefore not enough although it is very critical. Learning driving informally does not therefore equip one with all the necessary skills required. Thus, a policy should be set to put a minimum limit of education under which one can be allowed to pursue driving.Based on the above research facts, it is clear that people should get their driving license after high school. It has been found that higher education equip people with basic skills that a crucial in making key decisions in life. At high school level, individuals may be unable to make reasonable decisions while on road and as a result the country end up registering increased road accidents. Therefore, it would be appropriate to permit people to acquire their driving licenses after high school.