400210 Health Promotion and the Nurse

400210 Health Promotion and the Nurse

Aim of assessment:This assessment aims to equip students with the skills and knowledge to develop and plan a health promotion initiative for a group or groups within their local community. The assessment is designed to meet unit learning outcomes 3, 4, 5 and 6. In completing the assignment, students will be able to collaborate and liaise with colleagues from other disciplines while preparing and researching for the assignment (LO3). Students will undertake a needs analysis, plan objectives, present a plan of implementation and an evaluation strategy for their chosen initiative (LO 4), as well as applying their strategies for health promotion to clinical and community areas (LO 5) and creating a health promotion proposal (LO 6).

Details: Develop a proposal for a health promotion project relevant to your local government population or the community area where you are currently living. This proposal should address an identiļ¬ed need and reļ¬‚ect the current health promotion strategies and frameworks.

The proposed project is to be submitted in a ā€™reportā€™ format and should include main and sub-headings as well as appropriate appendices. The proposal should:

ā€“ Identify the health issue(s) requiring change applicable to your local government and/or community area (with a strong rationale for the need). Support from recent and relevant literature is required to support the identiļ¬ed need.

ā€“ Identify proposed goal/aim, objectives (both short and long-term) for the health promotion project and describe the strategies the project will use to address the objectives.

ā€“ Provide a plan for the implementation of the project (sometimes called an action plan), including the resources required to implement the project. Please note: you do not have to include a budget for your project but you must at least consider the need (or absence of a need) for funding as one issue in the formation of your proposal, and account for this in some way in your action plan and/or supporting discussion.ā€“ Develop and discuss a proposed evaluation plan for your health promotion project supported by the literature. Discuss how the three types of evaluation: process, impact and outcome evaluation will be implemented in the project.

ā€“ Use evidence from the literature to discuss all components of the health promotion proposal – planning and development, implementation and evaluation. ā€“ Include a reference list of any resource material you use. For example, if you adapt or use another programā€™s (published) evaluation format and adjusted it to suit your own program, you must clearly acknowledge the full reference details of the original source.