
prices as low as $15 per HOUR

Course Researchers provide online tutoring services to all learners, regardless of the course or academic level.

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Top Quality Tutoring Services

We have helped thousands of students improve their performance. You improve yours too!

Timely Response

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Money Back Guarantee

The clients should request for refunds when the tutoring services are not provided.


Our Services

Course Researchers is committed to offering the best services to its client. The organisation takes pride in timely and quality work offered to clients.

Quality Papers:


Even with a clear understanding of how to write a research paper, a student still needs to overcome several barriers. These include coming up with a topic, conducting enough research ...


A topic may be hard to understand even with the help of a teacher. Any essay written with less understanding of the topic is doomed to fail or receives low marks. One of the critical skills that can not be ignored during...


Writing a research paper requires extensive research on a particular subject. Students, therefore, a required to come up with substantial evidence to support the thesis statement.

Step By Step Guidance

Step by step guidance is a service that allows the student to get guidance from the tutor in the form of an outline. In this case, the tutor develops an outline based on the student's instructions.

1. Place order by filling your paper instructions

2. Signing/Signup

3. Pay via any of the payment methods

4.Ā Engage your tutor for one-one-guidanceĀ 

Happy Customers!

Course Researchers provide range of tutoring services, including preparing study guides and notes, samples and references. We have a range of qualified tutors, offering guidance in all academic disciplines. Course Researchers will help you overcome learning obstacles. Our tutoring is customized to each studentā€™s needs. It individualized, systematic and structured learning experience. At Course Researchers you will receive:

1. Step-By-Step Guidance Service:
-Allows the student to get guidance from the tutor in the form of an outline.

-The tutor develops a reference sample based on the studentā€™s instructions.

2. We will show you how to use a SPSS, Minitab, Matlab and other data analysis tools.

3. We will guide you on how to write professional Theses, Dissertations, Projects and Term papers.

-Guidance on how to write scholarship, application and admission essays.

-Learn how to write a great essay with a strong thesis statement.


Our Stats

Average response time
3.5 min
Writers Active
Updated Samples
0 +
Happy Customers
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